
Get in touch

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How we make you the Showstopper in an endless parade of opening acts

SORRY! No Surprises here.

We don’t believe in surprises and so should you. Everything we do is backed by science, market analysis, and the latest consumer trends. So Trust the magic of the process & don’t look for overnight miracles. See true craftsmanship firsthand.

So, here is the Magic Recipe.

Step 1 :
Get to Know You

Are we a good fit? Let’s hop on a call to find out

  • We Will
  • + Understand your business
  • + Ask Pointed Questions
  • + Get a good Grip of What you Want

  • You Will Get Clear Picture of
  • + How will we get it done
  • + The Recipe your Business/brand needs to hit your goals
  • + The Magic of our Process integration on your business

  • Sometimes, our initial chat will reveal that you are not clear about your goals. But don’t worry, We got you. We will first schedule a consultation session to determine your goals, KPIs, and figure out a roadmap for that.

  • After establishing a roadmap, we sign the agreement.

Step 2 :
Go Time

Once we sign the agreement, it’s time to get ourselves to work. We will start off by understanding your business/brand through various perspectives.

  • We Will
  • + Run a check on your Website Performance
  • + Ask you to fill a brand questionnaire
  • + Do extensive Market + Industry research
  • + Do exhaustive Competitor’s analysis and understand their strategies

  • We Will also dig into your Customer’s mind
  • + What they think about you
  • + Their critical pain points & objections
  • + What they think of your competitors
  • + Critical info on their buying psychology
  • Taking all of our research into account, we then develop a fool-proof strategy that would make you go Wow-wow-wow.

  • But hey, before we implement it, we will do a detailed 60-90 min call session with you to discuss the strategy and take your valuable questions about it. (Go Hard on us with your questions).

Step 3 :
Implementation & Tweak Time

Once we’re done making our strategy, we then roll it on the floor. We observe and tweak results and keep doing it until it turns into a winner-winner chicken-dinner dish.

  • We Will
  • + Dissect & analyze results
  • + Do Necessary tweaks whenever needed
  • + Stick with you until we get the results because Collaboration is the key

  • Once we nail it, we go on the last step.

  • PLANNING THE PARTY because why not. That’s when Celebrations are in order.

But, Are we a Perfect Match?

You see, at Nexmation, we don’t play to just win. We play to dominate the game. So, we partner with people who share the same hunger for being the best.

So here are our 4 Commandments of Long-lasting Partnership

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No Shady Dealings

Shady salesmen with no proper Business Model are not invited to the party. We only partner with inspiring brands & people who make the world a better place.

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No Cliches

People are so used to hearing “out of this world” brands and products. Honestly, it gets annoying now. So be ready to delve into specifics of your brand/product and discover the real USP.

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No Dragging your Feet

Responsive clients get better results. When we work together, we’ll expect timely feedback from you & you’ll expect some out of this world results from us.

Wondering where the 4th commandment is?

Well, that’s the easier one.

You’ll have to like our Osama
(Don’t worry he is harmless, or so we believe)

If you check all 4 boxes, then it’s time for us to talk

Your first call is on the House.

GET . . .



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Ready to get your business up & running like never before

Ready to communicate your message to the world

Ready to get quality leads & make More Money

Clients feedback

Straight from our Clients who revamped themselves with our
Magic recipe

You’ll Love working
with us Because

We Get it done

Results on deadline, every time.

We use science

We’ve played the game long enough to know that just being creative is not enough. Science is the Key.

We value your Business

Anything that puts food on your table ought to be valued. We understand it, and therefore, we guarantee you the best Agency-Client relationship.

Does it get adrenaline rushing in your blood?